Meet Kim

I’m Kim, your partner for workout sessions that are effective, creative, and fun. I bring decades of experience in athletics, yoga, martial arts, and dance, as well as a deep understanding of the science and anatomy behind exercise.

It was dance and lots of free range play that first ignited my love of movement and athletics when I was a child. When I dove deeply into the Korean martial art of Hapkido as a teen, I discovered within myself a passion for pushing to my edge. Those boundaries constantly expanded, until I reached a mastery I feel proud of in areas including rock climbing, mountain biking, trail running, skiing, and yoga.

Ever curious, I’ve explored Pilates, Integrative Yoga Therapy, the mechanics of breathing, and the mind/body connection. I’ve also completed multiple semesters of coursework in Anatomy & Physiology to anchor my work in science.

My pure passion for movement, for active aging, and for helping my clients prepare well for life drives me to continue to educate myself and you, helping clients of all ages and experience levels thrive.

It’s the moment when a 75-year-old client does a squat for the first time. It’s the moment when they just reach up and take their grandkid’s bicycle off the garage. It’s the decision my clients make to take their health seriously, to fight to age with independence and vitality. These are the moments I feel so honored to assist in.

Do you have a vision for your retirement? I find that I keep making plans, learning more and more, and keeping my sneakers on as I age. Let’s make a plan together for how I can help you achieve your goals

“I enjoy seeing clients’ progress, growth, and the confidence that comes with being able to pick up a grandchild, unhook a bicycle in the garage, or even go for a bicycle ride.”

Professional Certifications


National Personal Training Institute

Diploma: Personal Trainer

Certificate: Nutrition Theory


National Academy of Sports Medicine

Certified Personal Trainer with Distinction

Certified Group Personal Training Specialist

Certified Practical Applications for Corrective Exercise


Functional Aging Institute

Functional Aging Specialist


American Heart Association

Certified in CPR and AED


Insured through Lockton Affinity

Contact BLOOM for your first free session: